Monday, October 11, 2010

Is this the world's luckiest baby?......Born at 10:10:10 on 10/10/10

It was supposed to be such a lucky date that some couples arranged Caesarean sections especially so their babies would be born yesterday.
But Niamh Bond arrived on the tenth day of the tenth month of 2010 all by herself  -  and, just for good measure, at ten seconds after ten past ten as well.
She was born weighing just 3lb 7oz after being delivered naturally at eight weeks premature. A digital clock in the delivery suite recorded the time of birth.
 Keelie Hearne and partner Dean Bond with their daughter Niamh who was born on 10/10/10 at 10.10am (10 secs)
Yesterday Niamh and her mother Keelie Hearne were both doing well as they recovered at Good Hope Hospital in Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands.
Miss Hearne, 20, said: 'When I looked at the clock and saw the ten seconds as well I was gobsmacked.
It is certainly a date to remember and it is even more special as it is my first child. 'She is absolutely tiny and has tiny fingers. She is gorgeous.'
Miss Hearne had been planning to continue working as a pub waitress until October 29  -  a month before her due date.
But on Saturday evening her waters broke during her shift. She was admitted to hospital and by 9.40am yesterday was in 'advanced labour'.
Her partner Dean Bond, 22, who had gone home for the night, was called and dashed back to the hospital.
Miss Hearne, from Kingingstanding, Birmingham, said. 'I remember suddenly feeling the need to push. It was mad. Dean only arrived ten minutes before the head started to appear. It all happened so quickly.'
Mr Bond, who is studying bricklaying at college, said: 'It's amazing and hopefully being born on what is supposed to be the luckiest day of the century will prove a lucky omen for us and for Niamh. 'I'm delighted. She's small but absolutely beautiful.'
Dawn Grix, delivery suite coordinator at Good Hope Hospital, said Niamh would be kept in the special care baby unit until November because she was born so prematurely.

Niamh was born at Good Hope Hospital in Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands eight weeks premature weighing just 3lb 7oz
She added: 'Keelie came down fully dilated and was pushing and we suddenly realised what the time was. She was progressing really well and just before 10.10am the head came out and then a minute passed and the rest of the body came out at exactly 10.10am.
'One of the paediatricians then realised the clock was on ten seconds as well.'
Numerologists believe the ' perfect tens', which happen only once a century, symbolise a 'powerful moment of rebirth'. Some claim yesterday was the luckiest day of the century.
The private City Hospital in Dubai allowed ten women to choose the date for their Caesarean births, while an estimated 31,050 couples were thought to have exchanged wedding vows across the UK yesterday  -  ten times the normal number for a Sunday.
Many register offices opened especially. And schoolboy Daniel Sherbourne celebrated his tenth birthday at 10pm on 10/10/10. He was treated to a huge party near his home in Portsmouth. 

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