Monday, October 11, 2010

Brought up, educated and married in England... but father is denied UK citizenship for not being 'English' enough

Born to a former officer of the Welsh Guards, Stephen Hewitt had every right to consider himself British.
As well as being able to trace his family lineage back to the 15th century, he was educated, married and employed in Britain.
But Mr Hewitt, 50, who moved to the US in the 1980s, was stunned when he was told he could not return as a permanent resident.
Businessman Stephen Hewitt (right) wants to come back to England to be reunited with his family, including daughter Leigh (left)
Despite both his parents, his three daughters and grandson living here he was told that his UK ties were ‘not strong enough.’
The decision comes just days after it was revealed former Guantanamo Bay detainee Binyam Mohamed, 32, has been granted permanent residency in Britain.
The controversial move came despite Ethiopian-born Mr Mohamed - who moved to the UK in 1994 - continuing to claim the Government, MI5 and MI6 were complicit in his illegal detention and alleged torture.
Mr Hewitt, an estate agent living in Rhode Island, said: ‘I’m bitter about this. I’m not asking for any benefits or any special circumstances. I will always work. I’m not above doing anything for a living.
‘I’ve always worked. I’ve never taken benefits from the UK or the United States. I’ve always paid my taxes wherever I am at. All my family have said they will support me.
‘I don’t see how you can have any stronger family ties than this. I can’t comment on every case of immigration in England now, but I doubt there are many of these people coming into the country now that have stronger ties than I do to the country.

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