Monday, March 14, 2011

Vicar arrested and church searched as police probe hundreds of 'sham' marriages

Sham weddings involve EU citizens marrying non-Europeans so they can earn the right to live here. In many cases, the bride and groom have never met and don't even speak the same language.

Police probing hundreds of possible sham marriages have arrested a vicar, it emerged today.
Rev Canon Dr Patrick John Magumba, 58, was taken into custody after officers swooped on his home in Rochdale.
Worshippers were told about the arrest during the service at St Peter's Church in Newbold yesterday morning. The vicar is now on bail.
He has been suspended on full pay as the UK Border Agency investigates allegations he staged bogus weddings to help people gets visas.
The Ugandan, is currently team vicar for the South Rochdale Team Ministry and oversees three churches in the area - St Peter's, St Luke's in Deeplish, and St Mary's in Balderstone.  
A series of sham marriage rings centred on Manchester and Accrington have been investigated in recent months but it is the first time a vicar has been arrested.
Rev Magumba was arrested at his house after agency officers, acting on intelligence, teamed up with Greater Manchester Police.
He was taken into custody, and questioned before being released on bail. It is understood his church and home have been searched.  
A spokesman for the agency said: 'The UK Border Agency arrested a 58-year-old man in Rochdale for questioning in connection with an ongoing investigation into sham marriages in the North-West. He has been released on bail.' 
The Church of England Diocese of Manchester has been helping the borders agency with its investigation.
The Archdeacon of Rochdale, Rev Canon Cherry Vann, told Rev Magumba's congregation of his arrest and the nature of the investigation.  

Rev Canon Dr Patrick John Magumba. He has been suspended on full pay as the UK Border Agency investigates allegations he staged bogus weddings to help people gets visas
A Church of England spokesman said: 'The Reverend John Magumba was questioned by the immigration
crime team over irregularities in relation to weddings.   He will continue to help the authorities with their enquiries over the coming weeks.  
'Following proper procedures, the Bishop has suspended his licence to operate as a minister of religion while the investigations continue.'
Rev Magumba declined to comment when approached at his home.
Sham weddings involve EU citizens marrying non-Europeans so they can earn the right to live here. In many cases, the bride and groom have never met and don't even speak the same language. 
The borders agency has previously issued guidance to clergy across the North West to help them spot bogus ceremonies


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