Thursday, March 3, 2011

Indonesian maid murdering her boss because he tried to rape her.

An Indonesian maid faces being beheaded in Saudi Arabia after murdering the employer she claimed had tried to rape her.
Darsem binti Dawud Tawar had pleaded self-defence when she went on trial accused of the fatal attack on her Yemeni boss.
Camapaigners are now desperately trying to raise half a million dollars in blood money to save her life.
They are asking for donations on TV and social networking sites like Facebook.
Darseem was found guilty at at Riyadh court in May 2009.
Indonesian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Kusuma Habir said the victim's family agreed to pardon her if she came up with 530,000 dollars (£340,000) - known in Arabic as 'diyat' or blood money - by July.
She said they had already collected 265,000 dollars (£170,000), through social networking site campaigns, television ads and appeals by local officials

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