Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Don't call me dad....You call me Joseph, said Janet Jackson as her father Joe told her. 'I'm Joseph to you.'

It was widely known that patriarch of the Jackson family, Joe Jackson, was a stern disciplinarian when it came to his famous children.
The father and manager of the Jackson clan, his image became tarnished when it was reported that he was abusive towards his children.
The late Michael Jackson had often said that from a young age he was physically and emotionally abused by his father.
Now his sister Janet Jackson has opened up about her own rocky relationship with her father in a revealing interview with Piers Morgan

'I think my father means well... and wants nothing but the best for his kids... but that is not necessarily the right way,' she said of Joe Jackson to the British interviewer.
The 44-year-old singer recalled the time that her father struck her when she was a little girl as she was getting out of the bath tub.

'we don't speak that much... honestly it's not that often,' she said.
When asked if she was sad that she didn't have a good relationship with her father, she replied:'I wish our relationship was different, but I know that he loves me.'
During the revealing interview, Janet also revealed that she was forced to call her father by his first name rather than 'dad', and when she did once call him 'dad' she was immediately told off.
'You call me Joseph,' she said Joe told her. 'I'm Joseph to you.'
Moving on from her heartache, Janet said she no longer dwells on the fact that their relationship is unstable. 
'I don't remember if I truly deserved it,' she said.
She told Mr. Morgan that besides that particular incident, he never again laid a finger on her.
She said that her relationship with her father is now a distant one, and that the two hardly speak.

'I used to,' she said. 'It would have been nice. I would go over to a friend's house when mother would let me go and I'd see my friends, the relationship with their father, how they call him dad and sit all in their lap.'
The subject of having her own children also came up in the interview.
Janet told Mr. Morgan that she hoped to have kids on day.
'I hope so... I have given it up to god.'.
She said that she had been told numerous times that she would make a good mother, and that if she were to have children, she would give them 'a lot of attention, a lot of love, spend a lot of time.'

Opening up about her body image with the British interviewer, Janet said she struggled.
'There was a time when I was so down and felt so unattractive and it lasted for a very, very long time,' she said.
'That I used to -- I used to bang my head against the wall.
'The person that I was with, my ex-husband at the time, I mean, he'd have to stop me.'
She admitted that she was an emotional eater and still is.
'It's binging. Whatever you like... fries, pizza, I like caramel apples.'

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