Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Patrick Swayze's Biggest Regret Was Not Having Kids

Patrick Swayze wrote in his memoirs that he desperately wanted to become a dad. The actor, who died of cancer last week, said he was thrilled when his wife Lisa Niemi got pregnant years ago, but her miscarriage in her first trimester devastated them. Following the miscarriage, the couple, who were married for 33 years, tried for another baby, but Lisa failed to get pregnant again. Writing in his memoirs, The Time Of My Life, Patrick said:I couldn't wait to become a dad, to have a child with this woman I loved so dearly. And I wanted to be the best father I could be, the kind of father my dad had been to me. I felt completely crushed with grief. We wanted to try again, but the loss had been so devastating that we just couldn't do it right away. We figured we had plenty more years ahead of us. Eventually, we did start trying again hoping Lisa would get pregnant. But she never did. Patrick Swayze and Lisa Niemi. (Getty Images)Patrick was cremated last week and his ashes are being held at his lawyer's office. It is understood the remains will stay at the office until Lisa arranges for them to be moved. His ashes are expected to be scattered at their New Mexico ranch.

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