Sunday, September 27, 2009

Man marries four women at the same time

A South African man married four women at the same time during a ceremony attended by hundreds of people.
Milton Mbhele turned up in a white limousine and gave each of his four brides rings and a kiss.
South African law recognises traditional polygamous marriages. Even President Jacob Zuma has three wives.
Yet, while polygamy remains common among several tribes including the Zulus, simutaneous weddings are rare.
44-year-old Mbhele said the joint celebration would save money by combining the festivities.


Yasinta Ngonyani said...

kazi kwelikweli dunianai hapa mmoja yaani hatoshi .

Simon Kitururu said...


Faith S Hilary said...

tobaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....asante!!!! kaaaaazi kweli kweli...mmh...cnt stop kushangaa


Candy umenivunja mbavu,nimecheka sana,Yasinta unasema mmoja hatoshi,wanaume hawatosheki mpenzi,kuna mmoja Nigeria ana wakezaidi ya 50,watoto na vijukuu havihesabiki,mmmh kaka Simon ukishangaa ya Musa hutaona ya Firauni hapo ni mwendo mdundo halafu uniambie eti ukimwi utakwisha kwa mtaji huu kweli?

mumyhery said...

hatari lakini salama!!!!!!!!