Friday, February 11, 2011

Malawians have reacted angrily at government attempts to criminalise farting in public,We will keep on farting!!!!!!!!!

The Local Courts Bill, to be introduced next week, reads: "Any person who vitiates the atmosphere in any place so as to make it noxious to the public to the health of persons in general dwelling or carrying on business in the neighbourhood or passing along a public way, shall be guilty of a misdemeanour."
The bill will also attempt to deal with citizens who hinder the burial of dead bodies as well as people who pretend to be fortune tellers.
Many feel that there are better issues that the government needs to discuss. Local Topsi Ganzalesi said: "We can't allow that. We all fart. Where do they think we could go and fart? That is no issue to debate upon."
College student, Matthews Phiri, was not alone in saying he could not understand how the government hoped to enforce the new law - adding to widespread criticism that the new law is a giant waste of public funds.
"We all fart in public and it will be difficult to tell who has done it. Some do it silently. It some cases it is like teargas which goes like shhhh! Our legislators need to concentrate on discussing development projects. They should not waste our time and money on childish issues. It would make sense if they talked about defecating and urinating anyhow but not farting. This will not work. We will keep on farting." he said.


Simon Kitururu said...

I guess Malawian Government has run out of serious issues to deal with!:-(


Yeah,hao ndio viongozi wetu wa Afrika,badala ya kubuni mbinu za kusaidi wananchi wao kujikwamua na umaskini,wao wanakaa bungeni na kujadili upuuzi kama huo? tukiambiwa watu weusi tunaupungufu tunasema tunadharauliwa sasa hapo watu weseme nini?aibu sana.

Masangu Matondo Nzuzullima (MMN) said...

Na ya Tanzania mmeyasikia? Kuanzia sasa ukitema mate tu hovyo ni faini ya 50,000. Ni kama vile hakuna matatizo ya muhimu ya kushughulikia. Maoni yangu kuhusu suala hili yanapatikana hapa:


Haya ndio mambo tunayoambiwa ukistaajabu ya Musa utaona ya Firaun ndio haya,unajua mwanzo nilisikia kuwa uchafu umezidi sana bongo na sasa kuna mikakati ya kusafisha miji,na sheria itakuwa mtu ukitupa takataka hovyo au barabarani mfano umekula kitu halafu ukatupa bila kuweka kwenye bin utalipa fine ya shilingi 50,000=,hiyo hata mimi nili suport kusema ukweli miji yetu ni michafu mno kupita maelezo,hata hii miji ya wenzetu inakuwa misafi kutokana na kutozwa fine juzi tu hapa kuna bibi mmoja kapelekwa mahakamani yeye alikwenda park na mbwa wake akajisaidia lakini hakuzoa kinyesi cha mbwa akaacha akaendelea na safari zake kumbe kwenye CCTV imemrecord,siku nyingine kwenda tena jamaa wakamfuatilia mpaka nyumbani kwake,alikuja kushangaa anapelekewa notice ya kulipa fine kwa kutokuzoa kinyesi cha mbwa wake akakataa kulipa amepelekwa mahakamani.