Friday, February 4, 2011

Good news,And new hope Scientists find gene that could help body cure itself of HIV

 The research centres on a gene called SOCS-3 which has a strong reaction to overwhelming infections

Scientists may have found a way for the body to cure itself of HIV.
In a series of tantalising experiments, they were able to harness the immune  system to such an extent that it defeated the virus and completely removed it  from the body.
While there have been advances in treating the condition, the virus’s  remarkable ability to outwit the immune system means that the recipe for a cure  has so far eluded even the world’s best scientists.

The latest experiments were carried out in mice but the researchers believe  they raise the possibility of a cure, not only for HIV but for other long-term  infections, including hepatitis B and C and tuberculosis.
A lot of the work into finding a cure for these illnesses has focussed on  trying to use the immune system to gradually eliminate the virus or bacterium.
But the latest research, funded by the Australian and Canadian governments,  suggests that a short, sharp shock is far more effective.
Dr Marc (CORR) Pellegrini, of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute  said:  ‘Viruses such as HIV and hepatitis B and C overwhelm the immune system, leading  to establishment of chronic infections that are lifelong and incurable.
‘Despite tremendous efforts, long-lived immune responses for some of these  viruses are ineffective, because the body is so overrun by virus that the  immune system just give up trying to battle the infection. 
‘Some people have coined the phrase “immune exhaustion” to explain the  phenomenon. 
‘Our approach is to discover some of the mechanisms that cause this immune  exhaustion, and manipulate host genes to see if we can boost the natural immune  response in order to beat infection.’
The breakthrough centres on a gene called SOCS-3.
When faced with an overwhelming infection such as HIV, the gene becomes highly  active and slams the brakes on the immune response, allowing the virus to  persist.
When the researchers boosted levels of a hormone called IL-7, the gene  ‘switched off’ and mice were able to gradually remove HIV from their bodies,  the journal Cell reports.
Dr Pellegrini said the research had provided ‘excellent ideas ‘for new  therapies that could target and boost host immune cells called T cells to fight  disease, rather than targeting the disease itself.
‘The findings could help to develop drugs that target some of these host  molecules, such as SOCS-3, and turn them off for very short, defined periods of  time to reinvigorate the T cells, allowing them to regroup to fight  infection,’  he said.
An estimated 86,500 Britons are living with HIV, including more than 21,000 who  are unaware of their infection.


Simon Kitururu said...

Hizi reseach zinazingua saaa nyingine!:-(

Kila siku nyingine inasema hivi ,... nyingine inasema vile!

Mie namjua mtu wa karibu sana ambaye mambo haya yanamsababishia ateseke zaidi kwa kuwa tokea ana HIV mpaka sasa inavyogeuka FULU AIDS kila siku watafiti wanaongea MATUMAINI tu KIMANENO,... hakuna kitu mtaani kwa wahusika KIVITENDO kihivyo!:-(

Kuna mambo mengine ni starehe za wasiohusika!

Kwa kuwa wahusika ni moja ya kumuuumiza tu kama MATUMAINI ni ya KIMANENO TU kila siku na kivitendo hakuna kiwezekanacho!:-(

Samahani kama jazba imezidi!:-(


Unayo yaongea ni kweli,lakini kusema ukweli kwa nchi za hawa wenzetu matumani yapo kwakuwa kama ni dawa nyingine tayari waathirika wameshaanza kupewa na kuzitumia isipokuwa kwa nchi zetu za kichakachuaji ndio ugumu na matumani hayapo.Dawa hata kama tayari zinapelekwa huko wanaopewa kipaumbele ni watu wakubwa wenye majina na familia zao,kwa lala hoi bado ni kitendawili mpaka zije ziwafikie nikazi kubwa.

Kelele nyingi majukwaani zinaambatana na ahadi, ukija kwenye vitendo ni -0.Watu wanakata tamaa ni ngumu sana kwa Africa hata kama kitu ni haki yako lazima uihangaikie na utoe rushwa kwanza jamani maisha haya!

Masangu Matondo Nzuzullima (MMN) said...


Kumbuka pia kwamba inachukua muda mrefu sana (wakati mwingine zaidi ya miaka 20) kutoka utafiti mpaka dawa inayotokana nao iweze kuwa sokoni. Ni lazima wafanye utafiti wa kina ili kujua kama dawa hizi hazina madhara mengine ya hatari. Wakifanya makosa, unaweza ukakuta dawa inatibu ugonjwa huu na halafu inaua ini au kusababisha matatizo mengine makubwa zaidi. Mifano ni mingi kuhusu jambo hili.

Kuna watu wanaposikia tafiti kama hizi huanza kurukaruka na kusema sasa wamepona.

Na hata hizo dawa zikifika huko Tanzania, mtu wa kawaida atamudu gharama yake? Hata kama zikitolewa bure atazipata? Hovyo kabisa!