Thursday, January 6, 2011

Twilight fan gets her skin art done with movie stars inked over her whole back

The supermarket worker, from Reading, braved 22 hours in the tattoo artist’s chair after months saving £2,000 to put permanent reminders of stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner on her skin.
She was desperate to get almost the whole cast of blood-sucking characters on her back because she claims they helped her lose five stone.
Despite working in the cake department, she ditched calorie-laden foods in favour of getting stuck into the popular books and movies– and dropped 14 dress sizes in just six months.
Mrs Ward said: ‘A friend of mine got me the first film on DVD because I was feeling low.
‘Once I started I just couldn't stop myself. I had to go out and buy all the books and films. I got hooked. It became my way of rewarding myself.


Faith S Hilary said...

I am a huge Twilight fan but this woman made me feel very small...


Lol...don't feel small,u should support her,she done half way palipo baki panahitaji fan mwingine amalizie.hahahaaa joke.