Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Oh dear..... Bangladeshi man lashed 100 times for having sex with Filipina maid in the UAE

A unmarried foreign couple who admitted having sex in the United Arab Emirates have been ordered to receive 100 lashes by a sharia court.
The pair - a Filipina maid and her Bangladeshi boyfriend - were also ordered to be deported after the harsh punishment meted out just 20 miles from Dubai in Sharjah.
Police arrested the couple after a house owner reported how she saw the man, only identified as S.M., leave the home.
Both the maid - identified in court documents as N.M. - and her lover then admitted to unlawful sex and were handed the harsh punishment because they are both Muslims.
They admitted to having sex several times at the house owned by the maid's sponsor, the employer who previously backed her to stay in the country.

The man is believed to have already undergone his punishment, sustaining horrendous welts on his back and legs.
But the man's ordeal may not yet be over - it was reported that the man may face a year in prison for illegally entering the sponsor's home.
According to Sharia law if Muslims commit adultery they will be lashed and deported if they are expatriates, but non-Muslims will only be jailed and deported.

Britons Michelle Palmer, pictured, and Vince Acors were deported for allegedly having sex on a Dubai beach
The case is reminiscent of  that of two British people deported for having sex on a Dubai beach in 2008.
Vince Acors, from Bromley in Kent, travelled to Dubai for what was planned as a three-day business trip. 
While there he joined a group of friends at one of the city's infamous all-you-can drink brunches.
Four hours of eating and drinking later, he moved on to a nightclub where he met fellow Briton Michelle Palmer who was working in Dubai as a publishing saleswoman. 
Later the same evening the couple were arrested after being discovered semi-naked on a sun lounger on the city's Jumeirah beach, near to the iconic Burj Dubai hotel.
They were found guilty of having sex in public, acting indecently and being drunk in public, but an appeal court suspended their three month prison sentence and instead ordered they be deported.


Masangu Matondo Nzuzullima (MMN) said...

Ukiwa Roma tenda kama Waroma wanavyofanya ati - hasa katika mambo ambayo hayapingani na imani yako.

Ngono ufukoni wakati utamaduni wa watu hauruhusu wapi na wapi? Hili liwe funzo kwa watu wenye kiburi na wanaodhani kwamba utamaduni wao ni bora kuliko wa wengine.

Utashangaa kuona kwamba watu wenye hizi tabia za ajabu ajabu kama hii ya kungonona peupe ufukoni ndiyo wa kwanza kuita tamaduni zingine kuwa za kishenzi!

Matokeo yake ndiyo hivi wanatandikwa viboko 100. Huyu wallahi hatakaa asahau na sidhani kama atathubutu tena hata kula denda tu akiwa peupe! Ni lazima tujifunze kuheshimu tamaduni zingine!


Lol.....huyo kakoma kwa kipigo alichokipata kama cha mbwa aliyekula mayai......viboko 100 si mchezo angalia alivyo vimba!

Hii ingekuja bongo hii! asingepona mtu,si watunga sharia law, majaji wa sharia law wala watungiwa sharia law.

Unajua hiyo ya kufanya ngono ufukweni mwa bahari ni zarau tu za kuzarau sheria na tamaduni za watu na kujione kuwa wao ni bora kuliko wengine,watu kama hao adhabu kama hiyo inawastahili kabisa.

Anonymous said...

Jamani nenda mbele rudi nyuma...kweli unataka nambia hao wenyewe hawali uroda?Bila kuoana?They do...tena wachafu saaaaaaana!Ila wakimpata foreigner nd'o wa kuonyeshea mfano!


Wewe ndio umesema ukweli wanafanya sana tu,tena mbaya zaidi sheria ya nchi yao kwamba ushoga hautakiwi kabisa,mtu akipatikana na hatia ya kuwa shoga hukumu yake ni kifo......mungu hamfichi mnafiki mwezi uliopita tu si mtoto wa mfalme wa Saudia kakutwa na hatia na kumuua mpenzi wake kwasasa anatumikia kifungo swali langu najiuliza sasa atakapo maliza kifungo atarudi Saudia au? na kama akirudi atahukumiwa kunyongwa au?

Anonymous said...

Yep....Nimeisikia hiyo...Hapo!!!Thubutu!!!Hawana jeuri hiyo...hata hivyo viboko haambulii.Double standards in full-Auto.It's sad.