Monday, November 22, 2010

Nurse leaves letters for her son after losing 11-year battle with cancer

A former nurse who died after losing an 11-year battle with cancer has left a series of letters for her young son to remember her by.
Sonia Tate passed away at just 36 after fighting breast cancer for over a decade and leaves behind husband David, 37, and four-year-old Matthew.
Yet Matthew's mother will always be a presence in his life after she wrote letters to be given to him on certain birthdays.

'She's written three or four letters on birthday cards,' explained David.
'They're just something for him to remember her by over the years. He will  remember - I'll make sure he will.
'She was so kind, and considerate, and a great friend. She would do anything  for anyone. Even with all her problems she had time for everyone.'
Sonia and David met as teenagers and began their relationship when they were 23.
The couple planned their wedding in April 1999, but nine days before the  ceremony, Sonia was diagnosed with breast cancer.
David said: 'She found a lump on her breast, and on April Fool's Day she was  told it was breast cancer.
'We went on with the wedding but instead of going on honeymoon to Barbados, she  went into hospital for surgery.'
After surgery on her lymph nodes Sonia went through a gruelling regime of  chemotherapy and radiotherapy before going into remission.
She had been told that due to the treatment she may not be able to have  children, so was delighted when she fell pregnant with Mathew.
David said: 'When Mathew came along it was everything she could dream of really.
'She was over the moon that it was eventually her turn, that at last she could  have a child of her own.'
Though the couple had been told that Sonia's pregnancy could increase the  possibility of her cancer returning, this didn't stop her.
David, who lives in Ingleby Barwick, Teesside, said: 'We were told by one nurse  that because her cancer fed on oestrogen getting pregnant could increase the  probability of the cancer coming back.
'She knew this but was determined to have Mathew.'
In 2007 after suffering from back pain and fluid on the lung Sonia was told the  devastating news that the cancer had returned.
But David believes it was Sonia's determination that allowed her fight the  disease for so long and to live her life to the full.
The structural engineer said: 'She had such a zest for life. She was so  determined that it wouldn't stop her.'
Sonia passed away at home surrounded by family and friends on November 13. She also leaves behind parents Jean and Fred Brighton and sisters Kay and  Heather
Her funeral took place today at St Francis Church, Ingleby Barwick.

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