Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Our miracle.... Delighted couple cradle their first baby after waiting for 22 YEARS

A couple are celebrating the birth of their first baby...after a 22-YEAR wait.
Susan Comiskey, 42, wept tears of happiness as she cradled little Anna Margaret. And her husband Shane, 55, said: 'She really is a miracle. She is a gift.'
The birth came just a year after Mrs Comiskey survived a 12-month battle against cancer. She endured two operations and nuclear medicine treatment that made her 'radioactive' for a while.

But their joy was complete when dark-haired Anna was born at the Liverpool Women's Hospital on October 2.
The couple, originally from Australia and New Zealand, settled in Liverpool in June 2007 to become pastors of the Victory Family Centre Church in West Derby.
Mrs Comiskey said: 'Liverpool has been so good for us. We don't know whether to call her our little Scouse or our English Rose. We feel so overwhelmed and so grateful.'
The couple had been trying for a baby since they married 22 years ago. Mrs Comiskey said: 'When people asked if we had children, Shane used to tell them that our baby was on order but hadn't been delivered yet.'
She was told 15 years ago about a pituitary gland problem which doctors believed could be causing her infertility.
A small benign tumour in the gland led to increased levels of the hormone Prolactin. This stopped ovulation, resulting in infrequent or no periods.

After moving to England she was being treated by fertility expert Nabil Aziz  who worked to enhance her natural fertility by giving her drugs which not only regulated her reproduction cycle, making a pregnancy more likely, but also shrank the tumour.
But in 2008 he spotted a suspicious lump in her neck and she was later diagnosed with a cancer of the thyroid.
Mrs Comiskey said: 'I had noticed it but didn't think anything of it. Mr Aziz said he didn't like the look of it and rang cancer specialist Alison Waghorn at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, who agreed to see me almost immediately.
'It was a terrible shock to learn I had cancer but even while I was going through my treatment, I was thinking yet another year was going by without a chance to have a baby.'
Mrs Comiskey finished her treatment in 2009, but in January this year, she started feeling sick.
She feared her cancer had spread, especially as the sickness had got worse. She said: 'My cycles had always been a bit bizarre so I still didn't make any connection. But after a month or two I thought  "I wonder..." and did a pregnancy test. It was positive. I nearly fainted.

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