Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ladies in red: Men view women dressed in red as more attractive than their less colourful counterparts.

Want to be more attractive? Men can't resist a lady in red?
whilst in nature, female baboons redden conspicuously when they are close to ovulation

Ladies, if you are failing to catch the eye of the man of your dreams, slipping into a red dress could be the solution.
Not only is a lady in red deemed more attractive, research shows that it makes the men around her more attentive, flirtatious – and wanting to move closer.
While past studies have suggested that a woman in red is seen as more desirable, this is the first to show that men actually act on their thoughts.
Researchers showed a picture of a ‘moderately attractive’ woman in a red top to a group of male students.
A second group was shown a photo of her wearing blue.
They were then asked what questions they would like to ask her.
Those given the red image tended to choose more playful or flirtatious questions, the European Journal of Social Psychology reports.

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