Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chile's president Sebastian Piñera has rocky meeting with the Queen as he tours Europe

Sebastian Pinera and his wife met with both the Queen and Prince Philip in the couple's private apartment, where the Chilean president presented the monarch with a rock from the San Jose copper mine 

The 84-year-old royal was seen inspecting the pale-coloured stone, brought out of the mine by Mario Sepulveda, the second of the 33 miners to be rescued 
British Prime Minister David Cameron was also presented with one of the rocks. In exchange, he gave the Chilean leader 33 bottles of real ale and an early edition of Robinson Crusoe

The 60-year-old former businessman, accompanied by his wife Cecilia Morel Montes, presented the monarch and the politician with a rock brought out of the San Jose copper mine by Mario Sepulveda, the second miner to be rescued.

Mr Sepulverda, 40, took out a bag containing half a dozen rocks from the collapsed mine, which he gave out when he reached the surface.

President Piñera is currently on a European tour, planned well before the mining incident, and will also visit France and Germany.  

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