Friday, September 10, 2010

'No plans to burn Koran'

Pastor Terry Jones, right, with Imam Muhammed Musri, left, President of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, after their meeting .

A violent backlash spread across the Muslim world today over an American pastor’s threat to burn the Koran - even after he agreed to put it on hold.
Dozens were injured when a mob attacked a Nato compound in north Afghanistan as thousands took to the streets to condemn Pastor Terry Jones.
There were conflicting reports that one protester had been shot dead.
Meeting... Wayne Sapp, right, an Associate Pastor of the Dove World Outreach Center, armed with a gun on his hip, escorts Imam Muhammed Musri, left, President of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, into the church to meet with Pastor Terry Jones .
President Barack Obama urged the church not to burn the Koran while appearing on ABC's Good Morning America
President Barack Obama issued an emotional appeal, saying the burning of the Koran would endanger the lives of ‘our sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, husbands and wives’ fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The President said: 'It is in the age of the Internet that something can cause us profound damage around the world, so we have to take it seriously.
‘This is a way of endangering our troops, our sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, husbands and wives who are sacrificing for us to keep us safe, and you don’t play games with that.

Ground Zero: The controversy surrounds the construction of a mosque near the World Trade Centre site in New York
Claims that a protester had been killed could not be confirmed, with some reports saying no one had been killed.
Other protests took place in the capital Kabul and two other towns, leaving two men injured.
US Secretary of Defence Robert Gates, effectively the head of world’s most powerful military force, took the extraordinary step of phoning Pastor Jones who has a congregation of between 30 and 50 people.
A deal was then brokered with Florida Imam Muhammed Musri, but that was immediately called into question.
Pastor Jones claimed he was told that if he did not burn the Koran, the Ground Zero mosque would be moved, although this was denied by the developers.
He has now apparently settled for a meeting with Feisal Abdul Rauf, the Imam behind the project and was due to fly to New York on Saturday to see him.

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