Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's true! Men 'switch off' emotionally during rows while women become more clingy, say experts

The study found evidence that under stress, men tend to withdraw socially while women seek emotional support
Women who accuse men of not listening to them during a furious argument, may actually be right.
Scientists have found that men effectively 'check out' in stressful situations, while women become more responsive to emotional responses.
A study by researchers at the University of Southern California studied how men and women reacted to tense situations.
The found that men who looked at angry faces had diminished activity in the brain regions responsible for understanding how other people felt. In contrast women showed heightened activity.
Study author Professor Mara Mather at USC said: 'These are the first findings to indicate that sex differences in the effects of stress on social behavior extend to one of the most basic social transactions - processing someone else's facial expression.
'Under stress, men tend to withdraw socially while women seek emotional support.'
Writing in the journal NeuroReport, the researchers presented evidence that under acute stress, men responded less to facial expressions - particularly fear and anger.
A group of nearly 50 men and women were asked to look at pictures of faces under controlled conditions. Both groups showed activity in the part of the brain used in basic visual processing and in the parts used to interpret and understand facial expressions.
Then their cortisol levels, a known indication of stress, were manipulated using the cold pressor stress test

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