Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Swaziland justice minister Ndumiso Mamba now Facing execution for polygamist Swazi king as wife No 12 'caught in bed

Anger: King Mswati III put his wife Mswati Nothando Dube, 22, under house arrest:
In the strange landlocked African kingdom of Swaziland, subjects must ensure they do not dishonour their monarch.
That rule goes for King Mswati III’s 13 wives as well.
And, despite shunning monogamy himself, he was in no mood to tolerate claims that his 12th spouse may have also enjoyed sharing her love with more than one partner.
He was unhappier yet when the man said to be having an affair with his beauty queen bride Mswati Nothando Dube was none other than his own justice minister and friend Ndumiso Mamba.
Swazi justice minister Ndumiso Mamba was allegedly caught in bed with Miss Dube in a hotel room.
So, after engineering a sting operation and allegedly catching the two in bed, his 22-year-old wife has now been placed under house arrest while her Mamba is in jail.
Of course, the king’s 1.2million subjects have been made aware of this salacious story by the country’s press.
Instead, journalists there have been told to focus on the honorary degree awarded to the monarch during his current visit to Taiwan.
However, this has not stopped reporters from neighbouring South Africa exposing the scandal.
If convicted of the rather odd-sounding charge of ‘trespassing into another man’s home’, married Mamba, who was once a close friend of the king, could be executed.
While Miss Dube, a mother of two who got engaged at 16 after taking part in the annual pageant of thousands of topless Swazi virgins, could be banished from the kingdom.
The two were arrested at the Royal Villas hotel in a town near Mbabane, the country capital.
As is the custom in the tribal state, the monarch’s mother, who shares his power and is known as the Indlovukazi, or Great She-Elephant, sent a delegation to Mamba’s village to press charges.
Political commentators told the Daily Telegraph the alleged affair was '’common knowledge’.
Miss Dube first caught the king's eye at the annual Reed Dance six years ago.
Inkhosikati LaDube, as she became known, bore him a daughter within a year and a son soon afterwards.
Mswati III rules as an absolute monarch and enjoys lavish parties
Pick of the nation: Some of the 50,000 young, half-naked Swazi women at the annual Reed Dance pageant where Miss Dube caught the king's eye six years ago
British-educated King Mswati III, who is also known as ‘ngweyama’ or the lion, has ruled Swaziland since 1986.
The country, which also borders Mozambique, has one of the highest Aids rates in the world, with an estimated 40 per cent of the population is HIV positive
Also, 70 per cent of the people live below the poverty line.
The king, who rules as an absolute monarch and appoints the prime minister and cabinet, enjoys many lavish parties and the trappings of luxury.
His birthday on April 19 is regularly celebrated in front of thousands in a stadium where expensive gifts are presented to him on behalf of his people.


Blackmannen said...

Nchi kama hizo zinatufaa watu kama mimi kuwa mfalme, ili kutumbua maisha. Mungu akupe nini tena? Upewe gunia tele la chawa?

It's Great To Be Black=Blackmannen

Mangwato said...

Of all women the black mamba struck the king's wife! Wizards definately prescribed that he beds the king's wife so that he is empowered and the king disempowered. If they let him get away with this, it will be Hail King Ndumiso Mamba! of Swaziland. With friends like Ndumiso Mamba, His Majesty King Mswati 111 does not need enemies. Throughout history world Rulers have had their fair share of traitors who end up killing them. Talk of harboring vipers! Our King of kings and Lord of lords had Judas Iscariot, Emperor Julius Ceaser had Brutus, King Shaka Zulu had Mbopha and now the young King Mswati 111 has Ndumiso Mamba!

Anonymous said...

Ndumiso Mamba once kidnapped King Mswati’s little child and extracted blood from the boy’s veins. What did he do with that blood? Hopefully he did not drink it for ritual purposes!

Anonymous said...

Thina maZulu sithi u Ndumiso Mamba lona omkhulu umthakathi!

Anonymous said...

for a moment Ndumiso Mamba - the traitor inside the mattress looked like a corpse proped up in a coffin or am i being prophetic?- ha ha ha lol

rodney, perth, aust

Anonymous said...

Ndumiso Mamba emergeing from a base of a mattress like a rat ngenxa yobufebe, waze wangihlekisa ke black Mamba! This shows just how bad men are. Is he starving at home? A married man, minister , embarassing. Why not use those crafty skills for the development of your family, Men, men liyayangisa , Kabaqumi igwayi babone ukuthi uzacabanga ukungena ematrasini njengegundwane. UPius ngeke abenguye yedwa

woza, bulawayo

Anonymous said...

There are those who worshipped Ndumiso Mamba and their livelihood is now threatened by his shameful conduct. The disgraced black mamba must publicly ask for forgiveness from the entire Swazi nation because he did not wrong the king on a personal basis but the entire country. If he had slept with Prince Makhosetive's wife that would have been different because then the child to be king was a private citizen, but he bedded the now iNgwenyama's wife and that is a national catastrophe! King Mswati ceased to be a private citizen when he ascended the throne and became Head of State, therefore Ndumiso's ass-lickers must advise him accordingly to publicly ask for forgiveness from the entire Swazi nation.

Anonymous said...

Ndumiso Mamba is now spreading lies that LaDube belonged to him before she married the king. What nonsense! Face it guys, Ndumiso is 63-years old, the king 40 years old and LaDube 23, so when did this dirty old man started dating laDube? Unless Ndumiso means to tell us that he started seeing LaDube when she was 6-years old! Cradle Snatcher please!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ndumiso Mamba’s HIV and AIDS status can only determine his true intentions for sleeping with the king’s wife. Hopefully there was no hidden agenda.

Anonymous said...

Ndumiso Mamba must stay away from wizards who ill-advised him that by bedding the king's wife he will be empowered by the sugar there.