Monday, August 16, 2010

Afghan couple stoned to death by Taliban after their families turned them in when they tried to elope

Extremists prepare a woman to be stoned , An Afghan couple have been stoned to death for adultery.

A man and woman have been publicly stoned to death by the Taliban over an alleged love affair, it has emerged.
The couple - who were both engaged to other people - were arrested by the Taliban at the request of their families when they tried to elope.
They died in a bazaar in the Kunduz province of Afghanistan yesterday.
The executions are the first of their kind by the Taliban in the area.
They follow a call last week by Afghan clerics for a return to sharia and capital punishments carried out under the Islamic law.
They also come a week after officials said the Islamist militants publicly flogged and executed a woman accused of adultery in northwestern Badghis province.
The hardline Islamists, who drew international criticism for such punishments when they ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001, have distanced themselves from the incident in Badghis.
'The two were stoned to death in a bazaar of Dasht-e Archi district on the accusation of committing the act of adultery,' said Mohammad Omar, the governor of Kunduz.
A spokesman for the group said today he was not aware of the Kunduz incident.

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