Paul Knowles, 50, killed his wife, Gillian, 51, and left her body in a pool of blood on their bed, before calmly taping a note to the door of their £300,000 semi-detached home urging any visitors to 'please call police'.
A concerned neighbour dialled 999 and officers discovered Mr Knowles' body hanging in the attic.
A forensics officer outside a house in Chester after the bodies of a married couple were found yesterday
The couple, who had been married for around 15 years, did not have any children of their own.
But tonight Mrs Knowles' two grown up children, Daniel, 26, a quantity surveyor, and Phillippa, 20, an optical assistant, both from a previous marriage, were being comforted by relatives.
Next-door neighbour Arnold Johnson, 78, alerted police after finding the note pinned to the door of the white-washed property, in the respectable suburb of Upton, Chester, on Wednesday morning.
He said: 'I called Daniel to tell him about the note and he asked me to call the police for him straight away.
'Both the children came to the house and they were in pieces. They were both crying and upset, neither of them could believe it, they were both in tears.'
Mr Johnson, a retired head of security at Chester Zoo, which is just a few hundreds yards from the couple's home, said neighbours were at a loss to explain the tragedy.
He said he had never heard Mr and Mrs Knowles arguing and wasn't aware of any financial problems.
However, he said he thought Mrs Knowles had recently lost her job as an area manager for the Co-op pharmacy chain.
'The only thing that seemed slightly strange in recent weeks was that Gillian seemed to be at home a lot more and her company car vanished off the drive,' Mr Johnson added.
'We didn't ask and she didn't mention it, but she hadn't been ill, so we did wonder why she wasn't going to work.
'The day before we had seen them sunbathing in the back garden, nothing appeared to be wrong.
'They were a lovely couple, fine neighbours. I've never seen Paul raise his voice to Gillian, we are all in shock about what has happened.'
Mr Knowles, who is originally from Leeds, worked as an HGV driver and was away for up to five nights each week.
His wife, who was born in Coventry, went to university in Scotland where it is thought she met her first husband, and the father of her children, James McElroy.
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